Writer Day 20: After, 2

On Day 5 we wrote a list of "afters" in our lives. I used to be...but now I am...

Today after celebrating the day that some call Easter and others call Resurrection Sunday, my list of "afters" could absolutely be modified. When I think of my life before Christ, and my life after my relationship with Christ there are many differences that I recognize and appreciate about my After.

I heard many an encouraging word today from people reflecting on what their Pastors shared from the pulpit in their sermons. The poignant word for me is to let my scars tell my story because my scars remind me of God's healing power. My scars let other people know what God has done in my life.

If you have not already, go back to Day 5 and complete the assignment. If you have already completed the assignment revise it and add to it. Make your after into an affirmation. 

I used to be afraid to ask for help. Now I ask for what I need specifically because people who love me and my family show up even when I don't ask.

I used to be distracted but I am committed to being fully present for my family no matter what. No matter what.

I am fabulous in process. I used to be on pause but now I have hit the reset button. 

I used to be afraid to blog but now I am forever changed by being committed to blogging.

I used to be stuck, but because I have experienced after I am not looking back to before.

Girl, Pray for Me. After all, we are Unpluckable.

