Writer Day 5: After

I once worked at Eagle Rock School and Professional Development Center in Estes Park, Colorado. I don't have the time to tell you all about the lessons I learned while working there. It really changed me and changed my life because it is an intentional community of diversity, strenuous academics and the staff are challenged by the students to be their best. That part isn't easy, having a person half your age plus some tell you that you're not working hard enough is kind of embarrassing. But knowing that you have the potential to be called out forces you to get to your better.

Eagle Rock is an alternative high school. Many of the personal values, commitment to education and physical fitness standards that I have set came from my deep personal and professional development gained there. I haven't been able to get back, but I maintain relationships with many of my colleagues and former students. They are an integral part of who I am today. My "I used to be...but now I am" is one part of my POL that I always review and add to so that I can monitor my growth. You can check out their website: www.eaglerockschool.org for more about them and see some of the students.

One thing that all students and staff must do before they leave is complete a POL or Presentation of Learning before a panel of community members who read their POL packet and ask questions. These questions have depth to make sure that what was written has truly been internalized. The community is built upon tenets of honesty so the community knows when one is not being totally honest. Yeah, this is why is has become so easy for me to write with transparency. I cannot grow if I hide right?

As I reflected last night after a very emotional and trying week, I rejoiced because in this situation I have made it to my After. Thank you Eagle Rock, this is a very fitting activity for me to revisit now.You know the commercials that show you a before and an after. One side has short hair the other long flowing hair. One side has a frumpy person with lack of self esteem, the other side has fabulousness and confidence.

I used to be afraid to ask for help in Pittsburgh. I didn't really know I had friends here but now I ask for what I need specifically because I know the people who love me and my family love us truly. They show up even when I don't ask.

I used to be worried about work. I chose to miss my daughter's school play on Thursday then went out of town. On Sunday she went into the hospital, the ICU for 6 days. Now I am committed to being there for my family no matter what. No matter what.

I used to be on pause but now I am ready to hit the reset button and find an exercise partner so I can show myself the fabulousness I've been missing. 

I used to be afraid to blog but now I am looking forward to meeting my Scribe friends and reading their words because of the challenge we are all taking.

I used to be stuck in the before, but now one experience with after has made me realize the importance of the process. We made it through and after is so much better.

This is our assignment today, make a list of some of your afters. "I used to be...but now I am..."
Girl, Pray for Me and let's get to our after together.


  1. AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!! GOD had a purpose and plan for all of what you went through. Sometimes, it takes going through to appreciate where you are and where you want to be! Don't make me shout that was a word for me!


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