Run for It!

Hello Scribes!

For me running was like writing today. It has been 10 years since I have run on a consistent basis. I love running and not  having that part of my life activated has felt very unusual. I just didn't make time to run. I'm doing a couch to 5k program and for some reason my calves burn. I hate that feeling. Today my legs felt like I had stepped in concrete that was hardening with every step.

So as the lady on the ap told me to run, I didn't. I don't know if I defeated myself because I didn't run or if it really was physically impossible for me to pick my legs up and run. It hurt too much. Nonetheless, I may not be a vibrant yellow dandelion, I am a dandelion nonetheless. I just need to remember my strength, follow my roots, make a wish and put in the work.

Time to run for it.

What lesson is in this for writers? How you do you push yourself when you are in pain? Writing through pain, because of pain, after pain or to prevent pain is the best time to write. Even though it hurts, write through the pain. Push yourself. Run for it.

They say in running that you need to push yourself, I didn't quit, but I couldn't go as fast as I wanted to. My run/walk had led me 1.5 miles away from home so I had to keep going.

This is the best time to run and to write.

Girl, Pray for Me.

