The Healing Place 1

Hello Scribes,

How do you write about a place that changed your life - a physical or spiritual healing place that you entered and found yourself transformed? I have hit many of those places in the past few months. I find myself fighting with my internal will when I exercise and it hurts and I want to quit. I see myself observing before I engage when before I used to engage and not understand because there was no observation. 

I want to share another testimony from the Girl, Pray for Me Retreat. This one was shared by the founder of No More Blows, a domestic violence awareness non profit. Hear in her own words how she was transformed in her healing place. Think about your experiences and try to write about a journey to your healing.

Girl, Pray For Me.


Mary Was GREAT
We will forever remember the Mary Cabin from the Girl Pray for Me retreat. I want to give you a snapshot of an incredible weekend. Friday night was the warm up of what God had in store for us. It was filled with us getting familiar with one another.

Early Morning Prayer is when things got real. Mary was the cabin set aside for prayer, mediation, 
and journaling. It was our quiet cabin, time to reflect and hear what God was saying. To see and hear women on one accord praying and praising God in song was amazing. These days to see a group of women with NO drama is unreal.
Mary was the place we laid our burdens down, we were becoming weak and vulnerable before the Lord and each other; unashamed and ready to be set free. Chains were falling off, freedom was taking place and lives were being changed forever. You had to be there to understand. Mary is where bonds were built and women gained unpluckable strength. I enjoyed the speakers BUT it was something about Mary that stood out to me. It was amazing to see women go down weak and feeble, but rise with strength and dignity. No one was worried about what others had to say or think about their experience.

Daughters were crying out to Abba Father, receiving all He had for us. Sunday was the day Mary was occupied most of the day. Morning Prayer started a little late because we had a late night. This is possibly the day women still talk about when they think of the retreat.
This was the day K met T and we tackled most of my inner demons head on. Let’s just say deliverance came from my belly never to enter again. The things T prayed for we never discussed that’s what allowed me to be comfortable and free. It was easy to allow true deliverance to take place. She was gentle just like the Holy Spirit, not rushing as true deliverance is never forced on a person. Not only was I set free BUT a majority of the women had an encounter in Mary that will forever change their lives.

What I want you to take away is the title of retreat is what happened. My girls really did pray for me. I am forever thankful for the bonds we built with each other. That weekend I gained a new set of sisters that I will cherish forever.

I would strongly encourage you to make plans to be at the next Girl, Pray for Me event. Something about being in the mountains looking at what God created was breathtaking. Maybe next time you will be able to write and tell us about your experience.
