Now November,
Leaves falling
Bae (or not) calling
It's getting cold
Everything old needs a place to land
It's getting cold
Everything old needs a place to land
The mall is buzzing
The doorbells are ringing
And families gathering to break bread
As Christmas begins peeking around the corner
The doorbells are ringing
And families gathering to break bread
As Christmas begins peeking around the corner
Your waistline is falling yet
Your potential is calling
Everything new needs a place to fill
Your potential is calling
Everything new needs a place to fill
This year the seasons change and you, yes you are changed
The old cycle began with your words
The new cycle ends with God's word
The old cycle began with your words
The new cycle ends with God's word
You cry, you sigh, you wave goodbye
Now November becomes New November - Get ready!
Coni Hookfin is commissioned to draw the hearts of people to Christ and empower them. Her goal is to transform the world one person, one song, one book at a time. She is a mother of two.
#NowNovember we are free to be Unpluckable,
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