#DaringDecember16: Roberta Byrd

Hello Scribes,

Daring December is a time for us to step out of our comfort zone and try something new. This month I will be featuring some stories of people who are daring to push beyond their personal limits. Let's see how Roberta Byrd is experiencing #DaringDecember16:

BIO: Roberta Arleatha Byrd, M.A. is a Woman of GOD who serves as Community Mother, Dreamer and tries to Encourage. She is the Mother of Author/Poet Classie Tobias-Byrd, currently resides in Greensboro, NC with her next location unknown, LOL! Roberta is  . . . .  (you fill in the blank!)
While December to most people represents “Holiday Turn Up Time,” #DaringDecember16 to me and my daughter is a clear reminder to be determined to look beyond what man says, sees, and thinks.

On a cold, Wednesday, December 18, 2013 our lives would forever be changed with the words, “you have blood clots in your lungs.” GOD had afforded us the opportunity (used in jest) to lose job, home, travel the east coast into the central part of Ohio and almost lose my life. If that doesn’t stop you in your tracks, maybe it was because I had the precious gift of life called Classie that I asked and believed GOD for, that I couldn’t allow myself to just fall out in the bathroom and die. We were believing and while not in a familiar place or even a comfortable situation we did not see this one coming.

The doctor told me and Classie that I had an 85% chance of not surviving on the first day of surgery, the second day of surgery and the third day of surgery. Classie is her anger cursed at the doctor and in so many word asked, “Can’t you say there is a 15% chance she’ll make it out!?!” You see, my then 16 year-old dared to see this harrowing situation from the position of victim, orphan, mother-less child; she was determined her mother would be victorious, a survivor, a Mother.  Night after night she slept in 2 chairs, determined to see me through, determined to hurt the ones who didn’t care about hurting me, daring someone to tell her she “had to leave” my ICU room. Funny enough she continued to stay and ended up downstairs in the Emergency Department with her own respiratory issue – bronchitis, but she dared to go and take care of that herself, without Momma there, only by telephone for authorization to treat. LOL

While #DaringDecember16 is often a month of celebration for most, it is a reminder to my daughter and I to be determined to live with and for each other!  #DaringDecember16 is a time to know that HE was born, HE lived and HE died so that we can #Dare to look death in the face and Declare #VICTORY!
