Dear Iyanla,

At 9:00 every Saturday I sit on my couch with pen and journal in hand. I watch "Fix My Life" to see the power of God made manifest in the lives of the broken hearted. While I watch and pray I try to apply the spiritual principles of forgiveness, understanding and love to my personal development; some things that I have left unsaid you speak life to.

There is no sensationalism applied to my connection to this show or even to your ministry, you have been a virtual member of my village since I used to go home from work on my lunch break to watch the "Starting Over House." Now that I am a motherless daughter, every time you pull someone close and rock them in your arms until they breathe again you take me too.

I had someone ask me, "For real Penda, has Iyanla ever fixed anyone's life? It seems to me that all she does is mess things up for people." I really don't have a response for that. Sometimes revealing the truth means that you have to let some things go. We have to feel the pain in order to embrace the healing, some broken things must be discarded while others can be fixed. My response every time is, "Iyanla is a deliverance minister, we all can learn how to treat broken people by watching "Fix my Life."

My compassion stirs every week when I watch. There are more silent hurting people than I can imagine. Anger, isolation, the feeling of being overwhelmed, obesity - these are all connected to the vine of pain. Pruning of dead things helps us grow and growth is necessary as we age. Pain is not always bad but it is uncomfortable.

Compassion is that thing in me that allows me to see what other people are going through and wanting to see a change for them. What "Fix my Life" is teaching me is how to apply that same compassion to myself, which is not always easy. Every week I can call a member of my village and unpack something God revealed to us individually. Journal in hand, we write through it until we get through it.

Thank you for helping me and so many other people find peace from broken pieces. As I take one minute at a time learning to be, live and embrace love I will stand on my Unpluckable Faith.

Unpluckable Me,

