#DaringDecember17: Erica Bagwell

Hello Scribes,

One of my most prized possessions is a pearl necklace given to me by my mother before she passed. She gave my sister and I a pearl necklace with matching earrings. "Every lady needs a set of pearls." Mommy helped me to understand that a lady has a standard. A lady carries herself with poise. A lady wears her pearls with her head held high. 

This #DaringDecember17 Erica Bagwell has a challenge for us:

Who Knows What's Inside?

If you are sitting on a beach and a shell washes up on the sand you may marvel at the beautiful colors because that is what's visible. You may even pick up the shell and admire it's shape and size but that is as much as you would know about it. I dare you to take a peak inside, where you will find a true treasure - the pearl. 

People purchase pearls to wear but did you know that a pearl signifies strength and true beauty?

We live in a big world, and our gift is housed inside of our beautiful faces and our shapely bodies. Who will know of your inner beauty unless you are willing to crack open your shell so the rest of the world can marvel at the gift that lies inside. There are people looking at you, just waiting for your light to shine so that they have confidence to shine theirs.

I dare all of us to be bold about our precious pearls. No one will see your giftedness unless you allow us to peek inside your shell. 

Dare to be great!

Thank you Erica, I will wear my pearls this week to encourage others to stop hiding their value.
