#NowNovember: Ebony Broussard

I have heard that the richest place on the planet is the cemetery. The earth filled with power and promise that never manifested itself; earth shaking, world changing, life giving promise...buried, unknown, unfelt, and undiscovered by its owners.
In October, I returned to my hometown to discover my grandfather, Papa, didn't know me. I had seen him for his 86th birthday in April and I am certain he knew me then and NOW, he doesn't. To Papa, my complete existence (as well as others') seemed completely erased. 
Those who know me know the importance of family to me. Not just for the support and love but for the heritage passed from generation to generation. NOW, I find myself pulling on recollections to piece together his life so I can recount things to my children. Part of me is lamenting not paying more attention or visiting home more often. 
While I was with Papa, I hugged him and kissed his head whenever I felt sadness trying to rest on me. I wanted to live in the NOW of that moment, to savor every laugh and smile. I drank in every interaction between him and my children. I held his hand as we prayed and held on to him a bit longer when it was time to leave. 
NOW it's November and I am reflecting on life. We can live life thinking about tomorrow or next week, next month, or next year but it is so important to be present, in the NOW. Release what you have been called to release into the earth. Others' lives and their living depend on it. Your life and your living depend on it. Now is the time to live, move and be the being you were created to be.
Now I have decided to write and mail Papa letters. Not so much for him to remember me or us, but so I will remember NOW is the time for gratitude to be expressed, love to be shared, and memories to be made.

Ebony Broussard is the owner of Shoestring Travels, a full service travel agency, and resides in Georgia with her husband and children.

#NowNovember we are free to be Unpluckable,
