Writer Day 21: Wants

Are you prepared to give a list of your wants to someone if they come and ask you? If a friend or a family member sincerely wanted to do something special for you, would you be able to give them a specific list of things that you actually want to have, want to do or want to see?

It is not easy asking for things for ourselves when we come from a place of wanting to serve others. But just as I am sincere about wanting to do things for people that I love and get discouraged when they don't let me help them, I know how it feels to be rejected when my gift is offered in purity.

Today I am thinking about me.

I was in a church service one time when a financial speaker asked the congregation to tell her how much debt they  had. A woman stood up and broke down her debt on a credit card to the penny. Do you know that the speaker wrote her a check for that exact amount? Yup, I am believing something will happen like that for me. It will happen for you too but you have to be able to verbalize what you want.

Not my bucket list, but what I want for me that I need to put in the work to complete. Not to be materialistic or self centered, I have learned that if I can be specific with what I want with God, with myself and with my dreams, it helps me be better to prepare and research for the desired result.

I want to meet Maya Angelou.
I want a black fit bit flex.
I want to sell 5,000 copies of Girl, Pray for Me and have celebrity endorsements.
I want to go to an NBA basketball game (again).
I want no debt.
I want a puppy.
I want to be in a Tyler Perry Movie (as an extra would be great).
I want to continue my education and get my Doctorate in Women's Studies.
I want to give back and be a blessing.

Enough about me. What do you want?

Girl, Pray for Me.


“Everything you want is out there waiting for you to ask. 
Everything you want also wants you. 
But you have to take action to get it.” 
-Jack Canfield
