Flawed Existance

No one is perfect but God.

No one walking this earth right now has escaped making a mistake or a bad decision.

No one.

Not you.

Not me.

Not our musical influences.

Not celebrities.

But social media makes us digital bullies with the freedom to state our opinion and tear down everything we see, hear or believe about others. From adding our commentary to an outfit or a tragedy, we have the freedom of speech to put our voice on anything we want. Some of us don't care that our words have power, we put things out there that are forever sealed. So many things out there are hard to read because they are so negative.This is why I  had to take a hiatus from my blog, I write to heal, not to destroy.

There is so much to consider when I put my fingers on the keys to type what my heart and mind want to convey. If I am tweeting or posting on Facebook I understand that I am leaving a digital imprint of my presence. I have too much to lose to mistype or misrepresent myself for the sake of a few likes or shares. Writing is more than that for me, I write to heal.

Sometimes I write through pain and tears drip from my eyes or I have to stop and allow myself to feel the emotion. Like last week when I shared that I am praying for Bobby Brown. If he ever reads my post I would want them to know the love of God, the appreciation I have for his testimony from being a bad boy to a father who can't bear the though of his baby girl fighting for her life. I want Bobby to know that people do love him unconditionally. We are praying and we want to see Bobbi Kristina come through this.

If you know me, you know I had a love for Bobby Brown. I listened to "Tenderoni" over and over again back in the day. I listened to it so much I ripped my tape rewinding it and had to buy a new one and a CD. Tenderoni was my anthem, it helped me to believe that love existed. Maya Angelou's writing helped me understand that there is life after sexual abuse and Bobby Brown helped me believe I could be loved in my life after the abuse.

It may sound foolish to some, but I know my story, and I don't care what people think about MY interpretation of my own life. I know what got me through and pushed me to the love of God. I am glad the Holy Spirit was thoughtful enough to reach for me as an individual, this is why I write. But I write to heal.

I read Dick Gregory's book, Ni---- #bookitforward and it changed me. I felt like the book ripped me open and allowed me to walk into a new existence. This is what I believe Scribes are supposed to do. Scribes are the writers for #Scandal and #Empire who keep people glued to their seats wondering what is going to happen next. We as Scribes have power, and that power is the ability to sow seeds into people's minds and heart when we have their full attention. Everyone may not agree with everything we write but we have a responsibility to tell the truth, speak in love and create a call to action every time we position ourselves behind the keyboard or a piece of blank paper.

I don't take that lightly. I don't play with my pen.

Scribes are researchers, they investigate and write more truth than opinion. Scribes are different, we bear our souls when we write for the sake of others.

So Scribes I challenge you today to write like your life depends on it. When you do, you write with a transparency that brings other people to the light. Be courageous enough to be a Scribe.

Girl, Pray for Me.

