#DaringDecember: Conita Marshall

Have you ever done something that felt like a good idea at the time yet you later regretted the decision? If you have, do you remember the sick feeling you had once you realized the error of that choice? You may have questioned your choices and your ability to see beyond the moment whereby setting up a life of self-doubt and second guessing yourself. Many times people will beat themselves up about poor decisions and lose focus on the big picture.

What did you learn from these situations? 
Did you gain any wisdom? 
What knowledge did you acquire as a result of the experience? 

I have learned not to live a life of regret. I open my heart to what God wants me to see after a bad decision so I can move forward and make better decisions. Instead of living a life of regret I dare you to focus on lessons you can learn. Choose to become a student of opportunities - allow lessons to appear. Do not run from life's tests, embrace them. 

Preparations, prayer and purpose are the tools required to pass tests. Dare to open the eyes of your spiritual understanding and see what God has in store for you.  Do not allow others to hold you hostage to your choices. If they have arrived at a place that you are striving for it does not give them a right to criticize YOUR journey. 

Do not live in fear or regret. Live by faith and courage.

Go ahead, 

Conita Marshall lives in Atlanta, Georgia and works in education. She has a desire to minister to people who are hurting through various forms of communication. Conina is creating a line of greeting cards and has hopes to open a transitional housing program. Her book The Stolen Gift: An Intimate Look at Sexual Abuse will be released in June 2016.

Be daring, go get your dreams,
