Leaning but not Falling

"How do you lean and not fall?"

"Bend, Don't Break."

Hello Scribes,

I've been pondering how my life has changed drastically within the past thirty days. Losing my mother has been bittersweet. Knowing that she is healed from the painful, cancerous cells that were overtaking her body brings me peace. However, I will miss the presence of my Mother, my biggest and loudest cheerleader. Life has gone on, it needed to, losing my Mom was not meant to break me. Her strength and wisdom continues to shine on and through everyone who loved her. This is what it means to bend and not break: you feel the weight of the rain as it pours down on you but you trust that it is watering your roots so you can grow. Eventually the rain will stop and when it does, the nourishment you will have gained will force you to stand taller, dig deeper and rise again.

Bend, don't break.

People use the phrase, "I'm broken" to describe themselves when they feel bad emotionally or spiritually. These three words encapsulate every facet of every form of pain felt whether literally or figuratively. The pain of each position can feel equally intense but we don't have to allow the pain to freeze us in place forever. Lean and don't fall. I suggest that we change that phrase to "I'm going to lean and not fall"or "I'm going to bend without breaking" it will change how we view and operate within our storms.

The other day I recalled how one of my best college friends used to sing a song by the GMWA Mass Choir. My senior year of school at Wilberforce was hard, I was trying to find myself and my purpose and nothing made sense to me about what I was supposed to be doing. I would go to her apartment on a bad day and Erica would lean her thin frame to the side and demonstrate to me how not to fall. I would watch as she leaned, almost touching the floor but she never fell. We would laugh, but Erica always brought me back to the truth, "Bend, don't break Penda. Be like a tree bending under the wind, lean as far as you need to but don't you ever fall. Ever." In order to bend and not break, you have to be like a tree, planted. Strong winds can uproot trees, but that does not happen to every tree.

I got it E.   Bend don't break. Lean and don't fall.

My feet are planted on Unpluckable Faith, I have not been broken under the winds. Trust me, whatever storm comes your way, you will rise again. You may be different when you rise but anchor your feet and lean.

How do you bend and not break?

  1. Plant your feet on a strong foundation, 
  2. Brace yourself and lean
  3. Recognize that the water is flowing to the deep roots on which you will rise

Find a safe place to lean and trust that when you do, you will not fall and you will not break.

Unpluckable Me,
