#NowNovember16: Gloria James

Hello Scribes,

When working in social services or ministry, many people tend to forget that the giver needs to be served sometimes. In this #NowNovember16 reflection, Gloria James is sharing her thoughts on what it means to "save yourself as you save others."
Gloria James is a wife, mother and grandmother of 3.  She is employed in child welfare and as a mobile therapist.
"I love expressing my love for my family, friends and those that God purposely brings my way. 
My desire is to learn to 'write through it'!"
How do I save myself when I am submerged in helping others realize their need to save themselves?
-Gloria James
This can be a difficult question to answer for someone who naturally possesses the desire to encourage and support others in realizing their potential.  Maybe I have that insight because I have experienced reaching my potential despite what others may, or may not have seen in me. I am reminded of a quote, “Sometimes you don’t realize you’re actually drowning when you are trying to be everyone else’s anchor.” The person who sent me this quote by an unknown author, added a profound statement, “Don’t be afraid to save yourself. God's got us all . . .”
Many times I have shared encouragement to push others forward and I too, struggled to save myself.  Saving myself becomes a necessary truth.  It frees me to learn and appreciate my gifts and purpose. Saving myself reminds me of my ability to accept that it is okay for me to incorporate self-care and be selfish when it comes to my needs. Saving myself removes stressors, guilt, unhappiness, and the weight of heavy loads.  Saving myself opens me up to the internal beauty that life has to offer and the fullness of sharing my love unconditionally.  Saving myself is unselfish because I share my whole, healthy self with my family, friends, co-workers, and those who love Christ. Saving myself brings inner peace that surpasses all understanding.  
#NowNovember16, I leave you with this charge, “Don’t be afraid to save yourself.”
#NowNovember16 think about ways you are overextending yourself and regain your balance,
