#NowNovember16: Kia Richardson

Having told her story last year of being a survivor of teen intimate partner violence, Kia Richardson is back in #NowNovember16 to give us something to think about.

Kia A. Richardson is the mother of two wonderful daughters.
She is the Founder of No More Blows and an advocate for all things "woman."
"I simply enjoy seeing women walk in total healing."

Happy Independence Day! 
#NowNovember16 as the season changes I think about life and all of the changes we can experience. On this journey of life we make a lot of choices. We endure hurt and some people bottle it up. For years some women allow pain and anger to fester in their wombs while men let it fester in their head. They hold on because they don’t see letting go as an option. Some people enjoy the pity party and sympathy that comes from others as they relive the pain. God does NOT want his children burdened down with the weight of past sins and mistakes. His will is for us to live in freedom. 
This #NowNovember16 I challenge you to do four life-changing things that will cause instant relief in your mind, body and soul. Four things that will bring instant freedom and become your instant Independence Day. You will no longer depend on the pain of the past or use old coping habits when you trust God to do the following:
  • RESTORE you (Deuteronomy 30:3-13). God restored me from the pain of being molested as a child. 
  • HEAL all things broken in your life (Psalms 147:3). God healed my broken heart after losing my son and mother within three years of each other. 
  • Give you the strength to FORGIVE (Matthew 6:14). God helped me forgive the father of my youngest daughter for murdering my son.
  • Give you BEAUTY for ASHES (Isaiah 61:3). I am able to say that even though I have experienced some pain in my life, God has used my ashes to create beauty for His glory. He will do the same for  you!
According to Psalms 103:12, God will remove your transgressions if YOU let him. He can’t use what you don’t give him. He is gentle and will not force himself on his children. You might still be saying, “Kia, you don’t know what I’ve done.” You are right I don’t, but He does and will forgive that skeleton in your closet.  
#NowNovember16 remember that we serve a forgiving God and a God of many chances. We serve a God who is full of grace and mercy. A God who wants nothing but the best for us. With true repentance God will toss your sins, just like the leaves are being tossed from east to west. 
Let freedom ring Jewels and Gems, share your stories of independence with me at @imkrich on Twitter.
#NowNovember16, is it time for you to try something new in order to experience your independence day?
