#NowNovember16: Shontel Stanford

Hello Scribes, 

Welcome Shontel Stanford to the #InSCRIBEMe Family. This post is about a sensitive topic, Shontel is telling her #abortionstory. 

Shontel Stanford has been writing and encouraging the body of Christ for close to a decade. Her social media outlets reach hundreds of thousands weekly with the gospel. She has published two daily devotionals, "If Only Today" and "Manna: Bread of Life." Look for her new book, "Growing Pains" November 22, 2016

November is the month many people prepare for Thanksgiving. It reminds me of how thankful I truly am. My youngest son was born November 1, 2008 but he almost never existed in this earth. I almost had an abortion...but God intervened! 
He was an unexpected pregnancy at a time in my life when things were bad. I was divorced with one child already. Not only was my car totaled on the way to a job interview, the place I was renting got foreclosed on and the owners didn't tell me they lost the house while they were still taking my money. I ended up jobless, homeless and carless sleeping on the floor in my cousin's house with my son. I was not ready for another child...and then I found out I was pregnant. 
His father and I had just broken up and the only option that seemed right was abortion. The people closest to me said that would be best. How could I become a 2 time single mom from two different fathers? How would I feed another child? Where would we live? How could I take care of another one when I was struggling with this one? Why would I bring a child into that? Plus I was supposed to be a Christian and obviously I had screwed the celibacy thing up so I could not have this kid! 
But God came to me in a dream and said, "You can't commit one sin to cover another. Just like David and Bathsheba (2 Samuel 11) the truth will eventually come out and you will face the consequences. If you have this abortion I will forgive you but you will never forgive yourself. I promise, if you have this child I will take care of all of you and that child will never lack." He was right. Alhough it seemed like I could do the act and never look back in my heart I knew I would never forget that baby and wonder what he would have been like. 
I didn't do it. 
Immediately I began to see God work in my life in an amazing way to provide for all of my needs and completely change our situation. From the moment Jeremiah was born the hand of God has been on him. He's been in the hospital multiple times but has seen healing. At 4 he came to me and declared, "Mom I'm going to be a doctor and heal people like Jesus." At five he made the decision to make Jesus the Lord of his life then shortly after he decided he needed to be baptized. God gave him his name, Jeremiah Wisdom, and at first I didn't know why but now I see he is wise beyond his years. He started kindergarten a year early and maintained honor roll every year. 
Every day I look at him and see a miracle of God. He's a world changer and going to make a great impact on this world. God knew that and that is why He sent him. He wants to be a cardiologist to fix people's hearts. People need their hearts fixed in this world...in the natural and spiritual. Jeremiah will be seven soon and he didn't ask to be here but from the moment he was conceived in my womb he was my baby - not a thing, not a tissue - my baby and I promised to love and protect him with my life.
I pray this story helps someone even if it stops one abortion and saves one life it's worth it. The children who are carelessly aborted have a purpose. God wants to do great things in their lives but someone has to protect them. I wasn't planning on writing this but I just share what God tells me to share. I guess some woman, some where needs to know no matter how bad it looks Jesus can turn the situation around for His glory! Praise break!!! 
God bless you! I share this and other testimonies in my new book, Growing Pains, available at https://www.etsy.com/shop/BooksBySong 
#NowNovember16 #shoutlife #shoutyourabortionstory #prolife #unplannedparenthood
#NowNovember16 we know that babies serve a purpose,
